I am Pieter Hak. I am married to the most beautiful woman in the world Corma Hak.

Together we have 3 beautiful children of whom I am very proud. Christian (16), Marianne (12) and Patrick(11). As a family, we follow Jesus as our Savior, Messiah and Lord. That did not come about in 1 fell swoop.

I was raised very religious. My father was severely narcissistic, my mother severely overworked and there were fourteen of us at home, which resulted in a religious upbringing that made me really run away from God. Someone told me well-intentionally that God wanted to be my Father. From that moment on, I started running from God. But God does not allow Himself to be easily stopped. He began to reveal himself to me as a friend. No judgment, no impossible demands, just unconditional love and acceptance. In that process, a brother of mine, who had since come to living faith, asked if I would like to go to church with him sometime. I had stopped doing that 8 years ago. I fussed that I would not go among those black stockings again. He kept insisting. I made a deal with him. If I went to church with him 1 time he would no longer nag at me about God.

That one time Jesus came around the corner. I don’t remember anything about that sermon, only that it was about Jesus. A Jesus I could turn to, who would accept me, who was all love. and most unimaginable, who had also given his life for me.

Before I could accept this, I was 3 years down the road. I came from the religion;.

  • It must be given to you
  • You must be chosen
  • You are sinful and evil, worth nothing totally damned.

But I had seen something of Jesus. Something that was worth exploring further. Something that, if true, was enough to give my life to and for.

I struggled on. In the meantime, I met my current wife. That one also came from heavy religion. So we collectively didn’t do much with it. We got married. And yes, then you run an acceptable risk of having children. So we talked about how it might make sense for me to do confession. Otherwise, we could not have our children baptized. I suggested that I could not answer the confession questions correctly from my heart. But we came out that no one could. So that had to mean that everyone did it with God’s help. So that’s how I went into it.

During catechism, we walked through the catechism. To my surprise, I recognized most of the questions. Then the day came when I would make confession. This was 2 days after the birth of my oldest. I walked into the church that day. I felt something was going to happen. Just the same feeling as just before a heavy shower. During that service when the pastor asked the questions and I said yes to them fully from my heart, Jesus poured his full load of love over me. I could only cry that day and knew 1 thing one hundred percent for sure. I was saved, the property of me Heavenly Father.

A fire then started burning in me for Jesus. Despite all my struggles and failures, I cannot help but magnify the name of Jesus. He is my Lord. I want to praise Him. Telling this to the world.

Then, when a call was made at a conference to join me in evangelizing, I was there like a shot. This was what I wanted.

Until the moment we actually hit the streets. My knees literally buckled. I didn’t have it anymore. I felt completely powerless and unnecessary. In that moment, I made a deal with God.

I said, Lord just let this be a knock out in 3 seconds.

I looked around to see how to do this. There were 3 tipsy girls standing nearby. This was it. Stepping off, going off rock hard and being laughed at. Only to spend the rest of the evening seeking a concealed corner to shelter until the others were ready.

But things turned out differently. I walked up to the girls. And indeed 2 started making very lewd remarks and roaring with laughter. But one girl kept looking at me with focus. She asked: can you explain it to me 1 more time? So I explained it to her again. To my amazement, she said, I want that too. Is that possible? I had no idea what to do. The only thing I could come up with was; let’s pray. Then she spontaneously began to confess sins and gave her life to Jesus.

I was lyrical. This is what I wanted more of. Thus, I started evangelizing in all sorts of areas.

2 years ago, I joined Beach Mission in a special way. God led and provided in a spectacular way. I went alone then. Last year my family went with me.

This was very impressive. My son Christian took to the streets with me. God worked in him and through him in a mighty way. The rest of my family was also powerfully touched on that journey.

For next year, Beach Mission has asked me to lead the1st trip to Albufeira. I feel honored. With my hand in the hand of Jesus, I hope to bring this journey to a good and blessed end. A text from 1 Thessalonians 5 : 23 and 24 inspires me in this;

May God himself, the God of peace, sanctify you through and through. May your whole spirit, soul and body be kept blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.

The one who calls you is faithful, and he will do it.

You are welcome to join me on a journey to;

  • Experiencing the power of God
  • Giving your faith life a huge boost
  • Heeding the command in Mark 16 : 15-18
  • Having an incredibly beautiful time with fellow Christians in a beautiful environment in the presence of God’s Spirit.
  • Reaching out to young people who are completely lost. The people who walked in darkness have seen a great light. Isaiah 9 : 2