Suppose my parents were not religious, had not taken me to church and had not sent me to a Christian school.

Suppose I had not grown up with the stories from the Bible, had not heard that I have a Heavenly Father who cares for me and that His Son, Jesus hung on the cross for me to give me forgiveness, redemption, cleansing, healing, reconciliation so that I may be born again.

Suppose I had not heard of the Holy Spirit who now dwells in my heart and helps me to believe all this.

Would I have encountered a Beach Mission employee on my vacations then?

Then had a Beach Mission participant explained to me that I needed salvation?

Had a Beach Mission staff member then asked me about the purpose of my life and pointed me to my destination?

I sincerely hope so and that is also my wish for you!

That is why I happy with my role on the Beach Mission Board of Supervisors. Hopefully we can reach you with the gospel = good news and you will pick up the Bible to also read all those beautiful stories of Jesus Christ and keep them in your heart.

I am Mirjam Schoemaker, 47 years old and married to Gunther. Together we have three children and live and church in Nieuwerkerk aan de IJssel.

Evangelism work is a common thread in my life. From ‘Wegwijzer’ summer camps, vacation Bible club, Gideon meetings and organizing Easter walks to now a spot in the Beach Mission organization.

In working life, I own IJssel Juweliers, also located in Nieuwerkerk aan den IJssel, where I can put my business, commercial talents to good use and where sometimes very nice conversations take place.