Through Beach Mission’s trips, I was introduced to witnessing to my faith in a simple way.
The best part was the first few times I just went along nicely with someone, but after a few evenings you learn to have conversations on your own. Having been with them, I now also manage better to start conversations in everyday life about faith with, among others students on campus. So the point is not even just in the journey itself.
If you are a Christian and have a heart for Jesus, and people who don’t know him yet please join us!


I am currently studying in Delft (Construction Management and Engineering) for more than 5 years, previously lived in Huizen and am a member of Student Association C.S.R.-Delft.
I have actually been a Christian all my life and think that God has been working all my life to mold me into who I actually am. I learned about the “theoretical God” in church and at all kinds of clubs, youth clubs, etc. I actually decided even then that this God, Whom I learned is love, should become my God.
However, when I went to college I learned that God wants to be a Father not a detached God. Indeed he has always wanted that. I came to know God as a Person with whom we can have a relationship. I finally realized what it means that Jesus came to earth alive for us and paid for everything that stood between God and me!
I suddenly began to understand that God was asking more of me than my theoretical knowledge about Him. For He has a plan for the life of every person on this earth. This plan of God is genius. It’s incredibly complicated and sometimes I don’t understand it at all, but I have come to discover that in every situation it works out better than my plan and so I have resigned myself to this. I love having conversations with believers and non-believers about who God is and what he wants to do in our lives.
I want to encourage you as a Christian or non-Christian to (continue to) follow this plan. Although it is not always clear exactly where this plan will lead, it is fine to slowly make small steps. It is a choice every time to take the step, whether it is the thousandth or perhaps the first step ever with God.
I want to challenge you to (continue to) take this step. God never disappoints!
