Wednesday May 20, 2015, the by-laws of ‘Stichting Beach Mission’ were signed. By depositing the by-laws in a notarial deed, the organization was officially founded.
Tjalk 25
2411 NZ Bodegraven
Mon-Fri 09:00 – 17:00
On this day, *, appeared before me, Mr. Marcel Rompes, notary in Nieuwerkerk _____
aan den IJssel, location municipality of Zuidplas:_______________________________
Comparitie: ________________________________________________________________________________
Mr. D.J. Boerman and Mr. A.M. Kriger aforementioned, hereinafter also referred to as noe___
men: oprichter._________________________________________________________________________________
capacity of person(s) appearing: __________________________________________________
Where reference is made in this instrument to “person appearing,” _____
thereby designated the relevant appearing person, acting as aforesaid _
reported, unless the contrary is stipulated or appears from the text context. _____________
If any person appearing in this instrument is acting as a written agent__
representative of a party to this instrument, then it shall appear from the deed then annexed to this__
attached private instrument(s) of power of attorney, unless otherwise provided or from
het tekstverband blijkt.________________________________________________________________________
headings/references: __________________________________________________________________________
The headings above provisions in this deed are for readability purposes only __
van de akte.______________________________________________________________________________________
The designation BW refers to the Dutch Civil Code. ___
Article numbers of the BW or other texts placed between [ ] should ______
bad as indicating the source for the relevant provision in the bylaws. _
Verklaringen partij(en): ________________________________________________________
The persons appearing stated: _____________________________________________________
By this act is hereby established a foundation, for which the following bylaws gel
NAME AND SEAT _________________________________________________________________________
Artikel 1 _________________________________________________________________________________________
In English-speaking countries, it operates under the name Beach Mission ___
In Spanish-speaking countries, it operates under the name Fundación Beach _
In German-speaking countries, it operates under the name Stiftung Beach ____
In French-speaking countries, it operates under the name Beach Mission _____
In Portuguese-speaking countries, it operates under the name Fundação ______
Beach Mission.____________________________________________________________________________
In Italian-speaking countries, it operates under the name Fondazione _____
Beach Mission.____________________________________________________________________________
In Bulgaria, it operates under the name Фондация Beach Mission.__
In Hungarian-speaking countries, it operates under the name Beach Mission
In Greece, it operates under the name Ίδρυμα Beach Mission. __
In Croatia, it operates under the name Zaklade Beach Mission.________
In Turkey, it operates under the name Beach Mission Vakfi.___________
PURPOSE ___________________________________________________________________________________________
Artikel 2 _________________________________________________________________________________________
the spread of the gospel of Jesus Christ, as revealed in the Bible
comes to us, among outgoing youth, particularly during their ________
and/or making idealistic distributions and furthermore all that is related to one and an___
der directly or indirectly related or conducive to it ___
be, all in the broadest sense of the word.______________________________________________
We as human beings are made in the image of God, as relational ___
beings. We can connect with each other, reflect on our _
own behavior and, for example, thinking about meaning. Giving relationships
life meaning. We are convinced that our deepest destiny __
lies in the relationship with God. God is Spirit, but also person. He has _
made us as human beings, not to live our own lives, but to ______
To live from the connection with God. In this life, but also in the __
life after this life, in eternity.___________________________________________
We see the Bible as a love letter from God to us. By the Bible
reading we discover who God is and what He wants to do for us. _
The world and nature on it (creation), came into being because God
spoke. When God made the world, all was well.__________________
Man is the pinnacle of creation. He made man as man
and wife. Sex between a husband and wife is the only form
of sexual relationships that God approves of.______________________________________
God made a visible-but also an invisible-world. The on__
visible world is the world of angels/spirits. Most angels
are subservient to God and to men and reveal themselves to _
people in sporadic cases. Some of the angels -below to___
lining Satan – have become unfaithful to God. After a battle in the __
heaven they have gone out of heaven and now want the power of God on
take over earth and establish their own spiritual kingdom here, _____
also called the realm of darkness. These spirits from this realm __
are also called demons. These spirits are trying to make people
influence and control.___________________________________________________
Most people realize that there is more between heaven and earth, ______
but many people have never had a personal experience with _____
God had. The reason is that there is a problem between us
and God. That problem is in our thinking and actions. We can as _
man do many good things, but if you look at the misery in the world
looks, you see that we as humans are unable to be in harmony with the ___
people around us to live. You see this on a large scale, but also in __
our own lives. Even with doing good things, we often have
our own happiness in mind. This problem creates distance between men___
sen among themselves, but also between a human being and our Maker, God.__________
When God made the world, all was well. Man was given the _
accountability around the world. As long as man is connected to God _
was there would be no death and man would live eternally with God._____
With the first people, Satan succeeded in breaking a relationship between ____
between God and man. As a result, there is now much el____
lende in this world. God holds us all personally accountable_
responsible for our mistakes, but also collectively for the misery in the we__
world, because we are no different from other people and evil is also
does seem to have crept into our DNA. God calls this sin and goes ___
deal with this as we do with crime. With good conversation, this can
problem will not be solved. The punishment God is pleased with _____
takes is that is that we die and we die in eternity without _____
Him be. Consequence would be that no human being would be left who would eeu___
wig met leeft.________________________________________________________________________
God has come up with an alternative solution! That solution is the ___
sacrifice of an innocent human being. Someone who does not himself the punishment ver_
serves, but wants to take that on for another. God took in Jesus __
assume the stature of a human being. He was truly God and truly _
human. He lived life as God intended. He had the ____
evil not in His DNA. He was innocent, but still allowed himself to be ver___
judge, put to death and came into eternal darkness. So or__
fered Jesus and ended the enmity of God toward us ___
Even before we could ask God, God took this step______
dane. It was on His own initiative. Yet God wants us to realize _
That this was also necessary for us personally. In prayer, we can work with _
come to God with our lives and recognize that we are no better people than
others, asking forgiveness for our mistakes (sins), accepting that _
Jesus’ sacrifice was necessary for us and thank him for ___
His sacrifice. As a result, the realm of darkness also loses ____
right to influence and control your life. If you let ________
baptism, you show to the spiritual world around you that your old ___
life is dead, that you rise in a new life and that the realm of the _
darkness no longer has the right to have power over you._________________
As a victim or family of a crime victim happens
it doesn’t just happen that years later you are close friends. By God, this is ___
completely different. He wants to put himself through the Bible la___________________
to know. He, the creator and king of the universe, the highest ___
spiritual power, wants to adopt us as children. He wants a connection __
with us, as close as in a marriage. If you allow that, _
He lead your life through the Holy Spirit. In prayer we can ____
opening hearts to Him, asking Him, through the Holy Spirit in us __
heart and renew us from within, asking Him____
gene to help us follow and obey him, to ask us to __
learn to read and understand from the Bible and place our lives in His Hand.
empty. We may also thank God that we receive strength to be a
child of God.__________________________________________________________
From the relationship with God, God wants our thinking (desires) and our ___
change actions (choices) by the Holy Spirit. Because of this, you are going to __
find yourself less and less important, and God and the people around
you around increasingly important. The more you become connected to God, ____
the freer you become from addictions and the more you want to engage _____
For the people around you. God’s rules that first confronte_____
rend and entrapment were you are going to appreciate and want to comply with._____
God was content with Jesus’ sacrifice. As a result, we can
now not only restore the relationship with God, but the punishment that ___
hanging over our heads (that we should die and that we should be in the _____
eternity are without Him) taken away. Jesus showed that He _____
mightier than the kingdom of darkness and than death. Also, the re_
lation with God continues once we have died. We are then equal ___
bij Jezus.______________________________________________________________________________
Jesus also gave his followers – and by extension, all believers – the ___
mission to act on that power by healing the sick, people
deliver demons and even raise the dead. For this suggest_
the God spiritual gifts of the Holy Spirit available. When __
we work with these gifts this must be balanced with the fruits
of the Spirit. Not everyone with a relationship with God receives (ge______
ly) gifts of the Spirit.__________________________________________________________
All misery in this world will at some point come to an end
coming. That will be when Jesus comes back and all things become new.
No more death, no more sorrow, no more pain and no more trouble!________________
God has done everything possible to prevent us from going to ________
hell go. If we only make the choice to live our own lives,
that is our own choice though. That choice God respects. The sun goes __
on for believers and nonbelievers alike. A relationship with God is a relationship __
Of love, you can’t force that. But it is good to we__
ten that if we choose to live in our lives without God that _
That is also the choice we make for eternity. We choose _
then also for being without all the wonderful things we now have from
God ontvangen._____________________________________________________________________
The reason we connect young people in the vacation areas with Jesus
bring is first of all because our own lives have changed so positively ____
through relationship with Jesus. But it is also because we want to hear ____
give to the last wish / command that Jesus uttered before leaving the
aarde verliet._________________________________________________________________________
Evangelism is working on the spiritual front lines. This goes hand in hand
with spiritual struggles. The kingdom of darkness tries to impact ____
of work by discouraging and mutual _____
verdeeldheid te zaaien.____________________________________________________________
POWER _________________________________________________________________________________
Artikel 3 _________________________________________________________________________________________
The assets of the foundation will be formed by:___________________________
– subsidies en donaties;____________________________________________________________________
– gifts, inheritances and bequests;________________________________________________
– all other acquisitions and gains.____________________________________________________
An acceptance of an inheritance should, in principle, be a beneficial acceptance___
thing to be. _____________________________________________________________________________________
If a bequest or gift has a burden attached to it, acceptance _____ is required.
thereof by a two/thirds majority of votes validly cast__
The foundation may have donors, for which the following applies. _________________
Neither a natural person nor a legal entity may dispose of the assets of the _
foundation dispose as if it were its own assets [article 1a sub c Uitvoe__
ring regulation General Law on State Taxes 1994].___________________________
The foundation shall hold no more assets than are reasonably necessary for the
continuity of planned work for the purpose _
of the foundation [article 1b Implementation Regulation General Law on State Beings____
charges 1994] _________________________________________________________________________________
DESTINY _____________________________________________________________________________________
Artikel 4 _________________________________________________________________________________________
When appointing board members, the rules of the tax__ should be followed.
service for public benefit organizations referred to in Article 5b ___
General State Tax Act to be observed. __________
The number of members shall be – subject to the foregoing – by __
adopted unanimously by the board in compliance with the _
provisions of the Implementation Regulation of the General Act on State Taxes. _
For the first time, board members are appointed by this act._______
Not eligible for appointment to the board are persons employed by the _____
If a board has been established, the board has the right by benoe______
ming a director to make a nomination, which nomination does not ____
bindend is.__________________________________________________________________________________
The board may also grant a director another title. ________________
The director appointed for a fixed term is immediately __
reappointable. ___________________________________________________________________________
In the event of one (or more) vacancy(s) on the board, the _____
remaining board members by unanimous vote (or will be the only _______
remaining board member) within two months of the occurrence of the ___
vacancy(s) filled by the appointment of one (or more) successor____
The board may appoint in advance successor director(s) and de__
they appointment at any time or change it. ________________________________
Artikel 5 _________________________________________________________________________________________
Letters of convocation may incidentally be sent by e-mail or fax___
The minutes are adopted and signed by those, who in the meeting
dering have served as president and secretary.____________________________
To the extent these bylaws do not provide for another majority, __
all board decisions taken by an absolute majority of the valid ____
uitgebrachte stemmen.___________________________________________________________________
Written voting shall be by unsigned, sealed ballot.__________
BOARD AUTHORITY AND DUTIES_________________________________________
Artikel 6 _________________________________________________________________________________________
The board may further _
set forth in regulations and amend these regulations at any time or in____
REPRESENTATION ___________________________________________________________
Absence means death/death, resignation
and termination/submission function. ____________________________________________________
Inability means, among other things, temporary inability to _
exercise: _________________________________________________________________________________
idoor schorsing;______________________________________________________________________
iid due to prolonged inability to participate in board decision-making, ___
including: ___________________________________________________________________________
-unable to participate in board decision-making for more than one month due to illness
kunnen deelnemen;____________________________________________________________
-stay abroad for more than one month as no con__
tact is possible through common means of communication; and/or____________
-missing more than one month. ________________________________________
Even in the case of a conflict of interest, the director in question is represented__
gation authority. This driver shall, prior to performing the betreffen_
the legal act the other members of the organs of the foundation on the
to notify his conflict of interest [Article 2:8 BW, WPNR ____
The duties and power of attorney may be changed at any time by the board_
This shall be set forth at the time of appointment in the appropriate labor
agreement or management regulations.___________________________________________
END OF BOARD MEMBERSHIP _____________________________________________
Het bestuurslidmaatschap eindigt:__________________________________________________________
– by death of a board member-natural person,__________________________
– by dissolution of a board member-legal entity,______________________________
– bij zijn/haar faillissement,_______________________________________________________________
– grant of suspension of payments and/or receivership,_____________
– upon written resignation (thanks),_________________________________________
– As for the director appointed for a term: the leave_
pen of the relevant term without his/her subsequent rebe_____
– upon dismissal under Article 298 Book 2 of the Civil Code;___
– if the director in question is subject to a management ban ____
wordt; ______________________________________________________________________________________
– upon final conviction for incitement to hatred, violence or ge___
bruik van geweld;_________________________________________________________________________
– the board member may further at any time by a majority of ____________
two/thirds of the valid votes cast by the other in office __
being members of the board shall be dismissed, but not until the be_
affected board member was given the opportunity to recuse himself in an ordinary be___
steering meeting to justify and defend and there are at least two
board members vote to resign; _________________________________________________
– upon conviction or having been convicted of violence, sexual abuse or the
bezit van kinderporno.___________________________________________________________________
THE SUPERVISORY BOARD_____________________________________________________________
The foundation may establish a Supervisory Board, whereby for the first time __
members of the Supervisory Board are appointed by the Board. The Council
Oversight can self-dissolve. ______________________________________________________
The Supervisory Board oversees the general affairs of ____
foundation and the policies of the board. He further exercises those duties and powers_
execute the acts assigned and granted to him in these bylaws._________________
The number of members of the Supervisory Board shall be determined by the Board of
Supervision and shall be not less than three and not more than five natural persons.___
Members of the Supervisory Board are appointed and removed by the ____
Board of Trustees. Vacancies should be filled as soon as possible.___
A member of the Supervisory Board cannot also be a member of the Board._______
The Supervisory Board shall appoint from among its members a chairman and a secretary _____
Supervisory Board members serve for a term of four ___ .
years. After four years, they are eligible for reappointment once for a second term _____
of four years provided in another position. __________________________________________________
Using the prescribed term of office, the Supervisory Board shall establish ___
establish a retirement schedule. In doing so, the perio___
diek resignation a balanced functioning of the Supervisory Board in ge____
vaar brings, for which reason the Board of Supervisors on a case-by-case basis the sit___
may extend the term of office of a member of the Supervisory Board by no more than
one year. The latter decision requires the approval of the Supervisory Board _
met drie/vierde meerderheid.________________________________________________________________
A member of the Supervisory Board shall cease to hold office:________________________________
– by his resignation at his own request;__________________________________________________
– by his resignation pursuant to the retirement schedule;_______________________
– when he is declared bankrupt, a settlement in the __
under the Debt Rescheduling Arrangement for Natural Persons on him from ____
is declared applicable or he obtains suspension of payments;____________
– by his death, receivership or when over his assets _
or person an administrator or mentor is appointed; ___________________
– by his resignation pursuant to a unanimous resolution of all the remaining members __
of the Supervisory Board; _____________________________________________________________
– by joining as a member of the board;______________________________________________
– After a court conviction for violence and or sexual abuse __
en of kinderporno.________________________________________________________________________
The Board of Supervisors shall be entitled to receive all of the information necessary for the performance of its duties and _
powers necessary data. __________________________________________________
Each member of the Supervisory Board is entitled to any information that this no_
dig has or requests concerning the affairs of the foundation. ___
The Supervisory Board is entitled to inspect all books, records and an_
the foundation’s other data carriers.____________________________________________________
The foundation board is obliged, where necessary on its own initiative and otherwise on _
first request, the aforementioned data, information and access to ____
extend and enable the Supervisory Board and its members to perform their duties on___
belemmerd uit te oefenen.____________________________________________________________________
The Supervisory Board may engage, at the foundation’s expense, in the exercise ____
of his task to be assisted by one or more experts.___________________________
The Supervisory Board shall meet as soon as implementation of him in these bylaws __
assigned duties so requires, but at least twice a year and _______
further as often as at least one of its members wishes. ______________________
The preceding articles in which the meeting and decision-making of the
board are regulated, shall, to the extent possible, apply mutatis mutandis to _
de Raad van Toezicht._________________________________________________________________________
In a combined meeting of the Board and Board of Supervisors wor__
den discussed general lines of the policies pursued and to be pursued, as____
also other topics previously raised by any of them ___
gesteld en geagendeerd._________________________________________________________________
A combined meeting of the Board and Supervisory Board _
shall be held as soon as one of them wishes, but at least once per
The secretary of the board, in consultation with the chairman of the _
Board of Supervisors and any initiator the agenda and convocation
to the members of the Board and the Supervisory Board. _________________________
The combined meeting is conducted by the president of ____
Board of Trustees. In his absence, the board__ present shall provide.
ders and members of the Supervisory Board in conducting the meeting. _
Until then, the meeting shall be led by the oldest ___ in age.
present member of the Supervisory Board.___________________________________________
If a Board of Trustees has been established, the Board of Trustees shall require for the establishment
lation of the financial statements approval of the Supervisory Board. ___________________
The Supervisory Board – if established – may, before approving ____
grant the annual report, conduct its own investigation, or the board
direct that the financial statements or parts thereof be examined by a person appointed by
auditor appointed by the Supervisory Board. This accountant brings from his
investigation report to the Supervisory Board with a statement regarding the
fidelity of the documents presented to him. The board will receive __
a copy. The board is obliged to cooperate fully with _
this investigation and solicited and unsolicited all relevant documents available_____
king te stellen.___________________________________________________________________________________
If a Board of Trustees is established, the Board of Trustees shall require for the granting___
nding discharge (discharge) approval of the Supervisory Board.______________
If a Board of Trustees is established, the Board of Trustees shall require for the budget___
ting approval of the Board of Supervisors. This budget should have two moon__
den for approval before the beginning of the fiscal year
to the Board of Supervisors;____________________________________________________________________
If a Board of Trustees has been established, the board requires the statu____
amendment or dissolution approval of the Supervisory Board._______________
If a Supervisory Board is established, the Board members will be__
nominated and dismissed by the Board of Supervisors. The board shall then have the
obligation to inform the Supervisory Board immediately of the occurrence of the vacatu_
re informed.____________________________________________________________________
The Supervisory Board may dismiss a director:___________________________________
If a Board of Trustees has been established, the Board of Trustees shall require for the establishment
lation of executive compensation the approval of the Board of ____
The members of the Supervisory Board may, in respect of the __
foundation performed no remuneration other than a ___
reimbursement for expenses incurred and an attendance fee that is not excessive, a __
and other as referred to in article 1a sub e General Law in___ implementation regulation.
on state taxes 1994 or its replacement regulation.________
The duties and powers of the Board of Supervisors, to the extent that they have not already been__
mentioned in the above articles, may be specified in the Council’s
of Supervision regulations and may be amended at any time._____________________
Insofar as it is an expansion of duties and powers, it is ge_
jointly established by the Board and the Supervisory Board.___________________
Insofar as it is a division of labor of existing duties and powers, ____
it is established by the Board of Supervisors and amended as necessary. ________
A reduction or modification of existing duties and powers of the __
Board of Supervisors should be established by amendment to the bylaws. ________________
FINANCIAL YEAR AND FINANCIAL STATEMENTS ___________________________________________________
The board will have the foundation’s books examined by an external
expert who shall report his findings to the board.___________
After the proposal to adopt the financial statements is tabled_____
weest, the board will decide on the proposal to discharge _____
(discharge) the directors for the work done by them in the desbe___
apt year policies and governance.__________________________________________
RULES _______________________________________________________________________________
In any case, the board shall set forth in regulations:_____________________
-the current policy plan that provides insight into the foundation’s policy to_
target work, the method of acquiring funds, the be__
lord of the foundation’s assets and their expenditure, a _
and referred to in Article 1a of the General Law Implementation Regulations.
on state taxes 1994 or its replacement re___
-the purpose for which the foundation’s assets are held, _
as well as a justification for the size of that asset, a and as _
referred to in article 1b of the Implementation Regulation of the General Law on
State Taxes 1994 or its superseding regulation. ___
If all board members are not present or represented, a _
new meeting convened, to be held within one month of the ____
first, but not earlier than fifteen days thereafter, in which regardless of the then _
board members present and/or represented, the board members referred to in this paragraph 4
decisions can be taken with the major____ mentioned in this paragraph 4.
heid of the votes cast, without any vacancy on the board
BYLAWS AMENDMENT _________________________________________________________________
Artikel 12 ________________________________________________________________________________________
The decision to do so, notwithstanding the provisions of Article 5, must be____
taken by unanimous vote at a meeting at which all be____
steering committee members are present or represented, with no board _
enige vacature bestaat.___________________________________________________________________
If all board members are not present or represented, a _
new meeting convened, to be held within one month of the ____
first, but not earlier than fifteen days thereafter, in which regardless of the then _
board members present and/or represented, the board members referred to in this paragraph 1
decisions may be taken with the major____ listed in this paragraph 1.
heid of the votes cast, without any vacancy on the board
The creed can only be changed with full consent_____
ming of the Board and the Supervisory Board.____________________________________
DISSOLUTION AND LIQUIDATION _________________________________________________
Artikel 13 ________________________________________________________________________________________
Artikel 14 ________________________________________________________________________________________
The board may establish and dissolve an advisory board, which board of ad__
vies consists of the various (groups) involved in the work of the _____
foundation. _________________________________________________________________________________________
This board may provide solicited and unsolicited advice to the board.______________
Advisory Board members are appointed, suspended and dismissed by
the board. ______________________________________________________________________________________
The manner of the aforementioned establishment, dissolution and operation of the board of ____
opinion and the appointment, suspension, dismissal of its members are included in the re_____
glement determined. _______________________________________________________________________________
Artikel 15________________________________________________________________________________________
all without prejudice to the following.__________________________________
all without prejudice to the following.__________________________________
Following a res judicata ruling in which the claim__
liability of the person concerned to the foundation, the person concerned shall be obliged
to repay the amount so reimbursed by the foundation. Alvo____
rent the foundation proceeds with payment, the foundation may require security _____
in case the individual is found to be liable for reimbursement. ______________
(i) it has been established by a Dutch court by res judicata that the han____
acts or omissions of the individual can be characterized as op____
intentional, knowingly reckless or grossly culpable, unless the law states _____
otherwise results or such in the circumstances to ________
standards of reasonableness and fairness would be unacceptable, ___
of ______________________________________________________________________________________
(ii) the individual’s costs or property loss is covered by __
an insurance policy and the insurer incurs these costs or this asset____
groin has paid out. For the benefit of the affected_____
nen take out liability insurance._______________________
FINAL PROVISIONS ______________________________________________________________________
Artikel 16 ________________________________________________________________________________________
In all cases, where neither the law nor these bylaws provide, the
board. __________________________________________________________________________________________
To implement the provisions of Article 4(1) and (2), the first be_____
steer hereby appointed, which first board shall consist of:_______________________________
– Mr. D.J. Boerman aforementioned, as chairman/secretary;_____________________
– Mr. A.M. Kriger aforementioned, as treasurer.____________________________
III. ENTRY IN THE TRADE REGISTER___________________________
The board shall ensure immediate initial registration of the foundation
in the Commercial Register, in part to prevent board members from being removed by the de__
break thereof could possibly be personally liable for verbinte___
nissen van de stichting.________________________________________________________________________
Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing Prevention Act __________
(this law hereinafter also referred to as “WWFT”)._____________________________________________
Founder hereby confirms that founder and those close to him are not politically promi____
nent person within the meaning of the WWFT. ______________________________________________
To the extent that founder is a legal entity, founder hereby confirms ____
accuracy of the stated identity of the beneficial owner of
Statements notary law __________________________________________________
The person appearing is known to me, notary, and his identity I, nota___
ris, determined on the basis of aforesaid for that purpose prescribed by law
The appearing person declared before the execution of the deed a con__
cept of the deed, to have received notice of the contents of this __
have taken, be made aware of the consequences arising from the contents of this __
deed arise and therefore have a sufficient understanding of the (asset law__
tial) consequences, as well as with the contents of the deed and limited reading ___
daarvan in te stemmen.________________________________________________________________________
Of which deed in minute has been executed in Nieuwerkerk aan den IJssel
(Municipality of Zuidplas) on the date stated in the head of this deed. _______________
After communicating, inter alia, the business contents of this deed and the toe
explanation thereon to the person appearing, this deed is immediately, after be
pimited reading, signed by the appearing person and me, notary public.