• Interdenominational and multinational

    We meet young people from different countries and are a team from different countries

  • Partner churches in host and home countries

    For optimal support to become a disciple of Jesus.

  • Disciple making movement

    Jesus is not looking for converts or churchgoers but disciples who make disciples.

  • Help, message and God’s power

    Practical help, 1-on-1 talks, prayer for for illness, ailments and problems.

About Us

Beach Mission is an interdenominational missionary organization and organizes evangelization trips to European beach resorts where many young people go on beach vacations. Participants offer help, prayer and a listening ear to young people in the nightlife areas. They and engage in conversation about their faith in and relationship with Jesus Christ.

Target group

Our target audience is mainly young people in the entertainment industry. Many young people are really seperated from God in part because of alcohol, drugs, rousing music and suggestive clothing. We would like to connect them with God by informing them with love and attention, commitment and passion, openness and honesty and above all, with the help of God, how the broken relationship with God can be restored.

Beach Mission

Mission, vision and aim

Beach Mission aims to make a positive impact on the lives of young people and nightlife areas by providing assistance and connecting young people to Jesus in a life-changing way.


  1. To bring all young people on (party) vacation in Europe into contact with Jesus Christ and make them His disciples.
  2. Making a positive impact on nightlife by (1) showing the love and power of God and (2) establishing a culture of safety, trust, connection and freedom born from individual and mutual connection to God and each other.

Goals Netherlands and Flanders Our goal is to grow the number of evangelization trips from 6 regions (in the Netherlands and Flanders together). From about 1 trip per region in 2022, to 7 trips per region in 2028. The number of destinations does increase somewhat, but the focus of the work will be on the 6 most popular destinations. We also want to take a step forward in quality by taking a more integrated approach to the mission and equipping participants to do so. Goals abroad Our goal is also to form some regions outside the Netherlands + Flanders.

Evangelization trip of 7 days to Lloret de Mar with 15-25 participants. Participants from NL.

Two 10-day evangelization trips; one to Lloret de Mar and one to Blanes. Both with 15-25 participants. Participants from NL, ES.

We are organizing five 10-day evangelization trips to three destinations; two to Lloret de Mar, two to Salou and one to Blanes. All with 10-25 participants. Participants from NL, ES, BE.

We are organizing five 8-day evangelization trips to four destinations; two to Lloret de Mar, one to Salou and one to Blanes and one to Texel. All with 10-30 participants. Participants from NL, ES, BE, DU.

We organize 9 evangelization trips of 8 days to five destinations; 4 to Lloret de Mar, 1 to Salou, 1 to Blanes, 2 to Texel and 1 to Sunny Beach. All with 10-25 participants. Participants from NL, ES, BE, DU.

We are organizing 6 8-day evangelization trips to five destinations; 2 to Lloret de Mar, 1 to Albufeira, 1 to Blanes, 1 to Texel and 1 to Sunny Beach. All with 10-25 participants. Participants from NL, BE, ES, BG, PT.

Why the work of Beach Mission?

We do this because we have experienced in our own lives that the relationship with God makes us happy. We are convinced that our deepest meaning lies in our relationship with God. God made us as human beings, not to live our own lives, but to live from connection with God. In this life, but also in the life after this life, in eternity. We would like other young people in popular vacation areas to share in this. Based on this same motivation, we want to do something good for the city. By being present and offering a listening ear, we want to bring peace to nightlife areas. Young people who are too drunk to get home we help them get home, people who are frustrated we offer a listening ear, women who can no longer walk in heels we offer slippers, we pray for sickness, pain and sorrow and we help young people grow up to become disciples of Jesus.

  • Young people are the church of the future
  • God also comes to us where we are (Bible: Genesis 3 verse 9)
  • We are the church for young people who are revelling in nightlife areas

Also in the Bible you will find examples of people bringing people who bring someone to Jesus. Of Andrew, one of Jesus’ disciples, you read that he did so up to three times; first his own brother Peter (Bible book John chapter 1 verse 42); then a Jewish boy (Bible book John chapter 6 verses 8 and 9) and a group of Greeks (Bible book John chapter 12 verses 20 to 22). A great example of how we want to bring young people to Jesus during their vacations!

What we believe

We as human beings are made in the image of God, as relational beings. We can connect with each other, reflect on our own behavior and think about meaning of life, for example. Relationships give meaning to life. We are convinced that our deepest meaning lies in our relationship with God. God is Spirit, but also person. He made us as human beings, not to live life on our own, but to live from the connection with God. In this life, but also in the life after this life, in eternity. (Romans 1:20, Matthew 28:19, Deuteronomy 4:35, John 17:5)

We see the Bible as a love letter from God to us. By reading the Bible, we discover who God is and what He wants to do for us.

The world and nature on it (creation), came into being because God spoke. When God made the world, all was well. Man is the pinnacle of creation. He made humans as man and woman. Sex between a husband and wife is the only form of sexual relations that God approves. God made a visible-but also an invisible-world. The invisible world is the domain of angels/spirits. Most angels serve God and people and reveal themselves to humans in sporadic cases. Some of the angels – led by Satan – have become unfaithful to God. After a battle in heaven, they were cast out of heaven and now want to take the power of God on earth and establish their own spiritual kingdom here, also reffered to as the realm of darkness. These spirits from this realm are also called demons. These spirits try to influence and control people.

Most people realize that there is more between heaven and earth, but many have never had a personal experience with God. The reason is that there is a problem between us and God. That problem is in our thinking and actions. We as human beings can do many good things, but when you look at the misery in the world, you see that we as human beings are unable to live in harmony with those around us. You see this on a large scale, but also in our own lives. Even in doing good things, we often have our own wellbeing in mind. This problem creates distance between people, but also between a human being and our Maker, God. When God made the world, all was well. Man was given responsibility for the world. As long as man was connected to God there would be no death and man would live eternally with God. With the first people, Satan succeeded in bringing about a break in the relationship between God and man. That is why there is a lot of misery in this world. God holds us all personally responsible for our mistakes, but also collectively for the misery in the world, because we are no different from other people and evil does seem to have crept into our DNA as well. God calls this sin and deals with it as we deal with a crime. Good conversation cannot solve this problem. The punishment God is satisfied with is that we die and we are without Him in eternity. Consequence would be that there would be no human being left living eternally with God.

God has come up with an alternative solution! This solution is the sacrifice of an innocent human being. One who does not deserve the punishment himself, but is willing to take it for another. God took the form of a human being in Jesus. He was truly God and truly man. He lived life as God intended. He did not have evil in His DNA. He was innocent, yet he was condemned, put to death and entered eternal darkness. Thus Jesus sacrificed Himself and ended the enmity of God toward us.

Even before we could ask God, God took this step. It was on His own initiative. Yet God wants us to realize that this was also necessary for us personally. In prayer we can come to God with our lives and acknowledge that we are no better person than others, ask forgiveness for our mistakes (sins), accept that Jesus’ sacrifice was necessary for us and thank him for his sacrifice. As a result, the realm of darkness also loses the right to influence and control your life. When you are baptized, you show the spiritual world around you that your old life is dead, that you are rising in a new life and that the kingdom of darkness no longer has the right to have power over you.

As a victim or family of a crime victim, it doesn’t just happen that you are close friends years later. With God, this is completely different. He wants to make himself known through the Bible. He, the Maker and King of the universe, the highest spiritual power, wants to adopt us as children. He wants to establish a connection with us, as close as in a marriage. If you allow it, He wants to guide your life through the Holy Spirit. In prayer we can open our hearts to Him, ask Him to come and dwell in our hearts through the Holy Spirit and renew us from within, ask Him to help us follow and obey Him, ask to teach us to read from the Bible and to understand and to give our lives in His Hands. We may also thank God that we receive strength to become a child of God. Out of that relationship with God, He wants to change our thinking (desires) and actions (choices) through the Holy Spirit. As a result, you start to consider yourself less and less important and God and the people around you become more and more important. The more you become connected to God, the more free you become from addictions and the more you want to engage with those around you. The rules of God that were at first confrontational and oppressive you begin to appreciate and want to live by.

God was content with Jesus’ sacrifice. As a result, we can now not only restore our relationship with God, but the punishment that was pronounced over us (that we must die and be without Him in eternity) is removed. Jesus showed that He is more powerful than the realm of darkness and death. The relationship with God also continues once we have died. We are then immediately with Jesus. Jesus also instructed his followers – and by extension, all believers – to act from that power by healing the sick, freeing people from demons and even raising the dead. For this, God spiritually made available gifts of the Holy Spirit. When we work with these gifts, it must be balanced with the fruits of the Spirit. Not everyone with a relationship with God receives (equal) gifts of the Spirit. All misery in this world will come to an end at some point. That will be when Jesus comes back and all things become new. No more death, no more sorrow, no more pain and no more trouble! God has done everything possible to prevent us from going to hell. However, when we make the choice to lead our own lives, it is our own choice. That choice God respects. The sun rises for believers and non-believers. A relationship with God is a relationship of love; you cannot force it. But it is good to know that if we choose to live without God in our lives that is also the choice we make for eternity. We therefore choose to be without all the beautiful things we now receive from God.

The reason we connect young people in the vacation areas with Jesus is first of all because our own lives have been so positively changed by our relationship with Jesus. But it is also because we want to respond to the last wish/mission Jesus expressed before he left the earth. Evangelism is working on the spiritual front lines. This involves spiritual struggles. The kingdom of darkness seeks to minimize its impact by discouraging and dividing among itself.

Our values

  • As ambassadors of God, we want to be inspired and guided by God. The Bible is absolutely authoritative for us.
  • We endorse creed of Beach Mission
  • We really want to be interested in the other person and do not chase targets (numbers to be achieved).
  • We want to engage in conversation in a respectful and non-offensive manner.
  • We want to communicate the message of God, the gospel, in an understandable way.
  • We want to care for people who want to enter or have entered into a relationship with God.
  • We cause no problems and work within the laws of the civil government.
  • We travel as a group, consider each other and give each other space.
  • We want to connect with each other even if we think differently on some issues.
  • We don’t work without consultation. The trip leader is in charge of the trip. The leadership of a group of participants rests with the group leader.
  • We solve problems as quickly as possible.

Winning souls

We cannot win souls or convert people. Wonderful things always happen during evangelistic journeys. Those things are out of your control. It therefore makes little sense to set targets for the intended outcome. What we can do, is give people the choice to enter into the relationship with God, to ask forgiveness for their wrong deeds and thoughts, and to confess that we missed our goal by living without God But that’s it. Therefore, we pray that God will work out the results. In dependence and led by God, we hope to do life-changing work. Knowing Jesus and living with, from and through Him is something we so much wish for these young people too!


The founders are Dirk-Jan Boerman and Arjan Kriger. Until 2014, Dirk-Jan worked for the ‘Naar House’ foundation. While working there, a question occupied his mind for years: how to help those young people whom they talked to during the music events grow in their relationship with God. Between 2008 and 2014 Dirk-Jan participated in and led similar evangelism campaigns in Renesse. In 2007, he got the vision to go to Lloret de Mar and visit young people there during their vacation and share the gospel. Together with Arjan Kriger, they came to the creation of Beach Mission to give this shape.

Why here and why during vacations?

“In the past few years I have met an awful lot of people from the world of dance events and nightlife. I am very impressed about how much openness for the Gospel there is among these young people. The stories from the Bible are still vaguely familiar to them, but most young people have no idea what the gospel is and that God wants to have a personal relationship with them. More and more I have come to see that there are tremendous opportunities here to reach young people who are “disconnected from God” with the gospel. During a vacation you can meet them more often, build a relationship with them and invite them over for a visit.” Dirk-Jan Boerman


We believe it is important that our activities are known to and that we collaborate with the local church and other organizations whenever possible. Partner churches in the Netherlands, Spain and in other European countries support Beach Mission in aftercare (finding a buddy for young people who want to learn more about faith), finding participants, in prayer and financially.